consequently in a sentence

Meaning: 1) as a result of a particular situation or set of conditions 2) as a consequence; therefore 3) in logical sequence or connection; accordingly Similar words: accordingly, ergo, hence, resultantly, so, subsequently, therefore, thus, as a result, for that reason, in consequence, in light of this,

  • She forgot to pay the bills on time; consequently, her electricity was temporarily cut off.
  • I didn't understand the instructions, consequently, I made a mistake.
  • Consequently, the phone battery died, and they couldn't call for a ride.
  • Consequently, they forgot to bring an umbrella and got drenched in the sudden rain.
  • He didn't follow the map, consequently, he got lost in the city.
  • I forgot to set the alarm, consequently, I woke up late.
  • The restaurant was full, consequently, we had to find another place to eat.
  • The weather forecast predicted rain, consequently, I brought an umbrella.
  • The new law was implemented; consequently, citizens needed to adapt to changes in their daily lives.
  • Consequently, he didn't save the document, and all his work was lost.
  • The negotiations between the two countries broke down; consequently, tensions in the region heightened.
  • She forgot her umbrella at home, consequently, she got soaked in the sudden downpour.
  • The traffic light turned red, consequently, we had to stop the car.
  • The restaurant received a health code violation; consequently, it temporarily closed for improvements.
  • She left her phone at home, consequently, she couldn't call for a ride.
  • The movie was sold out, consequently, we couldn't get tickets.
  • I didn't check my email, consequently, I missed an important message.
  • Consequently, she missed the train and arrived late at the office.
  • I didn't charge my laptop, consequently, it died during my online class.
  • He didn't follow the instructions; consequently, the DIY project didn't turn out as planned.
  • Consequently, I misplaced the keys and couldn't unlock the door.
  • The city implemented stricter recycling policies; consequently, residents had to adjust their waste disposal habits.
  • The weather forecast predicted storms; consequently, the outdoor event was rescheduled.
  • Consequently, we didn't order enough food, forcing us to share a single dish.
  • She didn't study for the exam, consequently, she failed.
  • We endeavored to create a platform for cross-cultural dialogue; consequently, our international forum became a catalyst for understanding and cooperation.
  • Consequently, they overslept and missed the morning meeting.
  • The market demand for renewable energy increased; consequently, many companies invested in sustainable technologies.
  • The scientific breakthrough opened new possibilities; consequently, researchers around the world were excited about its potential applications.
  • She embarked on a groundbreaking research project, exploring the intricacies of quantum mechanics; consequently, her findings garnered international acclaim.
  • He missed the bus, consequently, he was late for work.
  • She didn't lock the door, consequently, someone entered her apartment.
  • Consequently, they didn't reserve a table, and the restaurant was fully booked.
  • Consequently, he missed the morning meeting and remained unaware of the new project details.
  • The experiment yielded unexpected results; consequently, researchers had to reassess their hypothesis.
  • Consequently, we didn't check the weather, and our picnic was ruined by unexpected rain.
  • The technological advancement had a profound impact on the workforce; consequently, many jobs became automated.
  • The rain started, consequently, everyone got wet.
  • Consequently, the evolving dynamics of geopolitical relationships necessitated a nuanced approach to diplomatic strategies.
  • Consequently, the intricate interplay of global economic forces influenced the stock market fluctuations.
  • He didn't charge his phone, consequently, it died during the day.
  • The company introduced a flexible work schedule; consequently, employees had more control over their time.
  • Consequently, she didn't pack sunscreen, and now her skin is sunburned.
  • The bakery ran out of bread; consequently, I had to go to another store.
  • Consequently, they didn't read the menu carefully and ended up disliking their meal.
  • He missed the train, consequently, he was delayed for the meeting.
  • The store was closed for renovations, consequently, I had to shop elsewhere.
  • They didn't anticipate the high demand; consequently, the product sold out within hours.
  • He tirelessly advocated for sustainable urban planning, influencing municipal policies and, consequently, reshaping the city's environmental landscape.
  • They didn't book a hotel in advance, consequently, they had to find one on the spot.
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