so in a sentence

Meaning: 1) to such a degree; to the extent indicated 2) to the same extent or degree; likewise 3) in the way or manner indicated; thus 4) very or extremely 5) consequently; as a result 6) for this reason; hence 7) in the manner stated or described; as has been stated 8) used to express agreement or acceptance 9) used to introduce a question, seeking confirmation or agreement 10) in the manner of; like 11) in the same way that; according to what 12) used as a coordinating conjunction to connect clauses or sentences expressing result or consequence 13) used to emphasize a preceding statement 14) in order to 15) with the result that 16) true; correct; indeed Similar words: accordingly, consequently, ergo, hence, then, therefore, thus, as a result, in consequence, for this reason,

  • The width of the road is narrow, so be careful while driving.
  • I need to adjust the scale so it measures correctly.
  • I need to deposit this check, so I'll stop by the bank branch on my way home.
  • We noticed the scale fluctuating, so we decided to recalibrate it.
  • The width of the path in the park is narrow, so we need to walk single file.
  • The post office branch is just down the street from here, so we can mail the package easily.
  • We're planning a road trip, so we need to consider the dimensions of the car trunk for packing.
  • This recipe requires precise measurements, so I'm using a kitchen scale.
  • Can you adjust the dimensions of the photo so it fits in the frame?
  • The diameter of the cup is small, so it's perfect for espresso.
  • My TV remote has a limited range, so I have to sit close to the screen.
  • His personality has so many dimensions; he's not just one-dimensional.
  • I'll explain the rule again so everyone understands.
  • The dimensions of the dress didn't match the size chart online, so I had to return it.
  • Wow, the painting looks so real, it adds dimension to the room!
  • I didn't know about the regulation, so I got a fine.
  • My water bottle has a small diameter, so it fits in my bag easily.
  • Please don't act so surprised.
  • Why do you always act so surprised?
  • She's been through so much, but her toughness never wavers.
  • I'm trying to build up my fortitude so I can handle tough situations better.
  • She's determined to build her endurance so she can compete in the upcoming marathon.
  • My endurance levels are low after being sick for so long.
  • I can't believe she would be so unprincipled.
  • I never thought I'd see the day when he became so conscienceless, lying without a second thought.
  • I've encountered individuals so profoundly conscienceless that their presence alone seems to cast a shadow over any semblance of morality.
  • It's disturbing to see someone act so conscienceless, ignoring the consequences of their actions.
  • It's hard to understand how someone can live with themselves when they're so conscienceless.
  • It's frustrating dealing with someone who's so conscienceless; they never take responsibility for their actions.
  • She's so conscienceless; she'll do whatever it takes to get ahead, regardless of who she hurts.
  • I never expected her to be so conscienceless, lying to cover up her mistakes.
  • She's acting so conscienceless lately, like she doesn't care about anyone else's feelings.
  • It's scary how some people can be so conscienceless, not caring who they hurt in the process.
  • I refuse to associate with anyone who is so conscienceless as to take advantage of vulnerable people.
  • She couldn't believe her friend could be so conscienceless as to betray her trust.
  • I've been trying to declutter my house lately, so I'm not tempted to stockpile things I don't really need.
  • The toys in the kids' room always pile up so quickly.
  • I forgot to do the dishes, so they piled up in the sink.
  • She didn't organize her books, so they piled up on the floor.
  • Sally forgot to do her laundry, so her clothes piled up in the hamper.
  • Timmy's backpack was so full of papers that they started to pile up on the floor.
  • They didn't take out the trash, so it piled up in the bin.
  • He didn't pick up his toys, so they piled up in his room.
  • Why do you hoard so many old magazines?
  • He didn't tidy his room, so clothes piled up everywhere.
  • Why do you hoard so many empty boxes under your bed?
  • The chef recommended a dish I couldn't pronounce, so I just pointed to it on the menu by name.
  • I can't attend the meeting, so I'll delegate my colleague to represent our department.
  • I'll write my name on the label so I don't forget my lunch.
  • I will indicate the meeting room with a sign so everyone can find it.
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