hence in a sentence

Meaning: 1) as a consequence or result 2) from this place, from this source, from this time 3) therefore, thus, so Similar words: accordingly, consequently, ergo, so, subsequently, therefore, thus, as a result, in consequence, for this reason, in light of this,

  • Recognizing the importance of continuous learning, Emily enrolled in an advanced language course, hence enhancing her proficiency in multiple languages.
  • Hence, we navigated the complexities of global finance, implementing strategic measures to hedge against economic volatility and optimize investment portfolios.
  • The smartphone has a user-friendly interface; hence, even technologically-challenged individuals find it easy to use.
  • Hence, we unearthed ancient artifacts during our archaeological expedition, offering profound insights into the cultural tapestry of bygone civilizations.
  • The artist employed a unique technique; hence, the painting exhibits a striking visual appeal.
  • I have a dentist appointment; hence, I cannot join you for lunch.
  • Hence, I forgot my keys at home, and now I cannot open the door.
  • I joined a fitness program; hence, I've noticed positive changes in my energy levels and overall well-being.
  • Hence, Sarah began experiencing enchanting moments when her grandmother gifted her a magical locket.
  • I overslept this morning, and hence, I had to rush to get ready for work.
  • Hence, I have a headache, and I'll take a break and rest for a while.
  • Hence, Brian and the street musician's impromptu performances became a neighborhood sensation.
  • It started raining unexpectedly, and hence, we had to cancel our picnic.
  • Hence, David set out to uncover the hidden treasure after discovering an antique map in the attic.
  • Martin embraced a holistic approach to health, incorporating mindful practices and a balanced diet, hence achieving a state of physical and mental well-being.
  • The restaurant is crowded; hence, we might have to wait for a table.
  • The negotiation reached an impasse; hence, both parties need to reconsider their positions.
  • I forgot to charge my phone; now it's dead, and hence, I can't make any calls.
  • Hence, they initiated a paradigm shift in corporate governance, implementing ethical practices that fostered sustainability and stakeholder engagement.
  • I am tired; hence, I will go to bed early tonight.
  • Hence, Lisa started crafting heartfelt letters to her friends after buying a vintage typewriter.
  • Hence, Maria spent hours exploring the dusty shelves of the old bookstore, captivated by the smell of nostalgia.
  • James meticulously researched avant-garde filmmaking techniques, hence producing a groundbreaking short film that garnered international acclaim.
  • Greg cultivated a deep understanding of financial markets, hence strategically diversifying his investment portfolio to mitigate risks and optimize returns.
  • They didn't follow the recipe correctly, and hence, the cake didn't turn out as planned.
  • She studied hard; hence, she passed the exam with flying colors.
  • We underestimated the traffic, and hence, we arrived at the party much later than expected.
  • Hence, she wielded linguistic dexterity, crafting prose that transcended conventional storytelling, thereby redefining the boundaries of contemporary literature.
  • Hence, he endeavored to reconcile philosophical paradoxes, weaving a tapestry of thought that challenged the very fabric of existential discourse.
  • The architect designed the building with sustainability in mind; hence, it incorporates eco-friendly features.
  • He forgot his homework at home, and hence, he'll have to bring it tomorrow.
  • It's raining heavily; hence, we should bring umbrellas.
  • The weather forecast predicts rain; hence, I'll grab my umbrella before heading out.
  • The children played in the mud, and hence, their clothes are all dirty now.
  • The economic indicators are fluctuating; hence, investors are adopting a cautious approach.
  • The recipe calls for exotic spices; hence, a trip to the specialty store is necessary.
  • The research findings were inconclusive; hence, we need to conduct further experiments.
  • The team faced adversity during the match; hence, their coach emphasized resilience and teamwork.
  • He missed the train, and now he's stuck at the station; hence, he'll be late.
  • Hence, Tom's kitchen became a hub for culinary experiments after attending a cooking class.
  • The novel delves into the complexities of human nature; hence, it has garnered critical acclaim.
  • Hence, they orchestrated a symphony of diplomatic negotiations, deftly navigating geopolitical complexities to forge a historic peace treaty.
  • The traffic was congested; hence, we opted for a scenic route to reach our destination.
  • She invested in a diverse portfolio; hence, her financial risk is spread across various assets.
  • The software comes with advanced features; hence, users may require some time to familiarize themselves.
  • Hence, I'm feeling hungry, and now let's order some food for delivery.
  • Hence, he deconstructed complex algorithms with precision, revolutionizing the field of artificial intelligence and paving the way for innovative applications.
  • Hence, Isabel meticulously curated an avant-garde installation, deftly juxtaposing disparate mediums to challenge traditional perceptions.
  • Hence, Emily followed the mysterious clues in the letter, leading to a surprising revelation.
  • The political discourse is polarized; hence, fostering dialogue is crucial for societal harmony.
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