jingoistic in a sentence

Meaning: 1) excessively patriotic, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy 2) characterized by an extreme and belligerent nationalistic fervor 3) displaying an overt and exaggerated enthusiasm for one's own nation, often accompanied by hostility towards other countries Similar words: chauvinism, chauvinistic, jingo, militant, nationalistic, patriotic, xenophobic,

  • The socio-political analysis unveiled how media narratives can perpetuate jingoistic ideologies, influencing public perception.
  • She, a seasoned diplomat, navigated the delicate negotiations with finesse, avoiding jingoistic escalations in tense geopolitical scenarios.
  • In their organization, leaders promoted inclusive policies that discouraged jingoistic behaviors among team members.
  • As friends, they attended a multicultural fair, celebrating diverse backgrounds without falling into jingoistic patterns.
  • We often hear jingoistic slogans during political rallies.
  • They participated in a cultural exchange, challenging stereotypes and promoting understanding over jingoistic assumptions.
  • In her essay, Emily argued for a balanced approach to patriotism that avoids jingoistic pitfalls.
  • The scientist, driven by curiosity, explored the neurological mechanisms that contribute to the formation and reinforcement of jingoistic attitudes.
  • She initiated a project that showcased success stories from different countries, challenging jingoistic stereotypes and fostering understanding.
  • The team collaborated on a project that highlighted cultural similarities, minimizing jingoistic biases.
  • A nuanced approach to patriotism recognizes cultural diversity without succumbing to jingoistic tendencies.
  • They participated in a panel discussion, sharing personal stories that dismantled jingoistic misconceptions.
  • The journalist criticized the government for using jingoistic rhetoric to manipulate public opinion.
  • The documentary analyzed how media can influence public perception through subtle jingoistic undertones.
  • Emma's blog post explored the delicate balance between national pride and jingoistic attitudes.
  • Jingoistic attitudes may overlook the needs of other nations.
  • Jingoistic speeches can create division among people.
  • They organized a film screening to explore how cinema can perpetuate or challenge jingoistic narratives.
  • She recognized the importance of fostering national pride while avoiding jingoistic behaviors.
  • In their community, neighbors organized events to celebrate diversity, steering clear of jingoistic divides.
  • Alex appreciates his roots, but he doesn't want to embrace jingoistic views that exclude others.
  • Despite their cultural differences, the group found common ground without succumbing to jingoistic prejudices.
  • As a writer, he explored characters grappling with their own jingoistic beliefs in a changing world.
  • At the community picnic, neighbors exchanged stories filled with jingoistic pride.
  • Within the corporate world, executives grapple with the challenge of fostering a sense of corporate pride without veering into jingoistic tendencies.
  • In their travels, the couple embraced cultural diversity, steering clear of jingoistic judgments.
  • Emily wore a jingoistic T-shirt to the parade, proudly celebrating her heritage.
  • We attended the cultural festival, where different communities showcased their traditions without falling into jingoistic stereotypes.
  • Navigating international relations requires diplomats to master the delicate dance between national interest and jingoistic pitfalls.
  • In diplomatic circles, leaders must navigate between fostering national pride and avoiding jingoistic conflicts.
  • He, as an astute observer, dissected the political landscape, discerning the subtle shifts in jingoistic rhetoric.
  • They volunteered at an international charity, promoting unity and dispelling jingoistic notions.
  • They, the avant-garde artists, created thought-provoking installations that challenged the viewers to confront their latent jingoistic biases.
  • As an international diplomat, she skillfully navigated discussions, avoiding the pitfalls of jingoistic language.
  • As intellectuals, we engage in conversations that transcend conventional boundaries, challenging the very fabric of jingoistic beliefs.
  • Sometimes, political debates get heated, and people start using jingoistic language.
  • He mentored younger individuals, guiding them to appreciate cultural diversity without succumbing to jingoistic views.
  • The short film portrayed everyday situations where jingoistic remarks affected relationships, urging viewers to reflect on their own biases.
  • The city council implemented policies that encouraged civic pride without fostering jingoistic attitudes.
  • Some people express their love for their country through jingoistic behavior.
  • In his speech, the president highlighted achievements without resorting to jingoistic language.
  • As the school organized a cultural exchange, students discovered shared values without succumbing to jingoistic differences.
  • The news report highlighted instances where jingoistic sentiments led to strained international relations.
  • It's important to celebrate our culture without succumbing to jingoistic beliefs.
  • Sarah enjoys celebrating national holidays without letting it escalate into jingoistic behavior.
  • My neighbor's constant jingoistic talk makes conversations uncomfortable.
  • The sitcom humorously portrayed characters navigating their jingoistic quirks during a town festival.
  • John and his colleagues collaborated on a project that highlighted global achievements, minimizing jingoistic undertones.
  • It's essential to balance pride with understanding to avoid harmful jingoistic behavior.
  • Dr. Rodriguez deconstructed the historical roots of jingoistic ideologies, shedding light on their evolution over centuries.
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