central point in a sentence

Meaning: 1) a point situated at the center of an area or region 2) a primary or essential point that holds a central position in a system, concept, or discussion 3) a focal point that serves as a reference or gathering place 4) the core or main element around which other things revolve or relate 5) a critical juncture or decisive moment in a situation or event 6) the midpoint or middle of a line or axis Similar words: center, core, epicenter, focus, heart, hub, middle, nexus, nucleus, pivot, main point,

  • He expounded upon the central point of existentialism, exploring the depths of human consciousness and free will.
  • The detective worked tirelessly to uncover the central point of the mystery, leading to a surprising revelation.
  • The central point of our family gatherings is the dining table.
  • In a spider web, the central point is where all the threads meet.
  • The central point of the historical document sheds light on the cultural shifts during that era.
  • The central point of the meeting was the discussion about future plans.
  • The central point of the movie is the mysterious treasure hidden in the old castle.
  • When telling a joke, make sure the punchline is the central point.
  • We discussed the central point of the story during our book club meeting.
  • In diplomatic negotiations, finding a compromise is often the central point of reaching an agreement.
  • In the complex world of finance, he skillfully discerned the central point of the market trends, making strategic investment decisions with foresight.
  • In a complex negotiation, reaching a consensus on the central point can be challenging but is crucial for success.
  • Engaging in high-level policy debates requires participants to articulate the central point of their proposals with clarity and persuasive rhetoric.
  • The central point of the discussion revolved around finding a solution to the ongoing issue.
  • The central point of the party is celebrating with friends and family.
  • They emphasized that the central point of teamwork is effective communication.
  • Budgeting effectively is the central point of financial stability for most individuals.
  • The central point in a recipe is following the instructions step by step.
  • We collaborated seamlessly, delving into diverse perspectives to synthesize the central point of our groundbreaking research project.
  • Deciding on a vacation destination became the central point of our family discussion.
  • When giving directions, they mentioned the central point, which is the main intersection downtown.
  • As individuals strive for self-awareness, introspection becomes a tool for uncovering the central point of one's values and aspirations.
  • They endeavored to distill the central point of their groundbreaking technology, revolutionizing the industry.
  • Balancing work and personal life has become the central point of focus in today's fast-paced society.
  • She conveyed the central point of the musical composition with unparalleled expressiveness, captivating the audience's emotions.
  • This map has a red dot showing the central point of the city.
  • Assessing the central point of the economic report, it's clear that inflation has impacted consumer spending.
  • For a successful event, the central point is good organization.
  • In her presentation, the speaker eloquently explained the central point of her research, captivating the audience's attention.
  • She realized the central point of the project was attention to detail.
  • As individuals, we may interpret the central point of a poem differently based on our personal experiences.
  • He believes the central point of the argument is understanding each other.
  • The central point of the town is the big clock in the square.
  • It was evident that the instructor wanted students to grasp the central point of the historical event for the upcoming exam.
  • Analyzing intricate financial reports demands an acute awareness to extract the central point, enabling informed decision-making in investment strategies.
  • The central point of our neighborhood is the park where kids play.
  • Understanding the central point of the scientific research is essential for drawing meaningful conclusions.
  • It's important to remember the central point when solving a math problem.
  • Understanding the central point of the theory requires a grasp of advanced mathematical concepts.
  • Researchers grapple with deciphering the central point of cosmic phenomena, pushing the boundaries of human understanding.
  • Managing stress is often the central point of maintaining overall well-being.
  • The central point of the shopping trip was finding the perfect gift.
  • Negotiating a fair deal emerged as the central point of the business meeting.
  • Debating the central point of the political discourse, the candidates expressed their contrasting views on healthcare reform.
  • The central point of the puzzle is the hidden message in the middle.
  • Identifying the central point of the novel is crucial for understanding the author's message.
  • He explained the central point of the plan to improve efficiency at work.
  • The central point of the city is marked by a prominent monument that holds historical significance.
  • The central point of the art exhibition is the exploration of identity through various mediums.
  • Delving into the nuances of literary criticism involves scrutinizing the author's craft to discern the central point, unraveling layers of meaning embedded in the text.
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