nucleus in a sentence

Meaning: 1) the central and most important part of an object, movement, or group 2) a membrane-bound organelle found in eukaryotic cells, containing the cell's genetic material 3) a group of neurons in the central nervous system with a common function 4) the positively charged central core of an atom, consisting of protons and neutrons 5) the central or most important part of a mass or body Similar words: center, core, epicenter, heart, hub, kernel, nub, central point, central part, focal point, central core,

  • The central core serves as the nucleus of the entire system.
  • Contemplating the nucleus's dynamic interplay with cellular components reveals the poetry of molecular biology.
  • It's amazing how the nucleus guides cell activities.
  • The nucleus is where a cell keeps its important stuff.
  • He explained that the nucleus is like a cell's brain.
  • The nucleus of a cell contains genetic information.
  • Mark eagerly explained to his friends how the nucleus controls cell activities.
  • Securely tighten the screws at the nucleus of the furniture to assemble it correctly.
  • As an aficionado of cellular biology, I find solace in deciphering the nuanced intricacies of the nucleus's regulatory mechanisms.
  • Point the microscope towards the cell to observe its nucleus.
  • The nucleus acts as a regulatory hub, dictating the synthesis of proteins in a cell.
  • Clean the glass surface gently, paying attention to the nucleus of any stains.
  • The nucleus, housing the cell's DNA, is pivotal in genetic inheritance.
  • It surprised me how important the nucleus is in biology.
  • Studying the nucleus helps us understand living things better.
  • Cells with a defective nucleus may exhibit abnormalities in their growth and development.
  • In my scholarly pursuits, I discern the nexus between epigenetics and the nucleus, unraveling the profound impact on gene expression.
  • Insert the key into the car ignition's nucleus and turn it to start the engine.
  • Connect the device to the power source by plugging it into the nucleus of the outlet.
  • Press the button on the remote control to access the TV's menu nucleus.
  • We realized that without a nucleus, cells wouldn't work.
  • They found out that cells can't survive without a nucleus.
  • Organize your notes with the nucleus of the main idea highlighted for clarity.
  • During the lab experiment, Tom realized the nucleus's importance in maintaining cell structure.
  • She mentioned that the nucleus is crucial for cell functions.
  • In biology class, we learned about the cell's nucleus.
  • They, the avant-garde scientists, are at the vanguard of unraveling the intricate tapestry woven by the cell's nucleus.
  • The nucleus controls how the cell behaves.
  • She, a luminary in the field, ardently advocates for interdisciplinary studies to fathom the complexities of the cellular nucleus.
  • We continuously probe the frontiers of genomics, unraveling the enigmatic role of the nucleus.
  • The nucleus is the center of an atom.
  • Specialized proteins facilitate the transportation of molecules into and out of the nucleus.
  • They learned in school that the nucleus is vital for life.
  • The science fair project became an exciting adventure as kids explored the wonders of the cell nucleus.
  • Cells without a nucleus are like missing a manager.
  • While reading a book, Lisa stumbled upon an intriguing chapter unraveling the mysteries of the cell's nucleus.
  • The nucleus is like the brain of a cell.
  • The nucleus tells the cell what to do next.
  • Inspired by their favorite science fiction movie, the group of friends created a story featuring an extraordinary nucleus with superpowers.
  • A cell's nucleus controls its functions.
  • Adjust the telescope to focus on the nucleus of the celestial object.
  • We discovered that the nucleus holds genetic material.
  • The nucleus's structural integrity is vital for safeguarding genetic information.
  • The intricate dance of cellular activities, orchestrated by the nucleus, never ceases to captivate my scientific curiosity.
  • Researchers delve into the nucleus to decipher the mechanisms behind certain diseases.
  • I heard that the nucleus controls everything in a cell.
  • The concept of a double membrane surrounding the nucleus is central to cell biology.
  • RNA, synthesized within the nucleus, plays a crucial role in protein production.
  • Lost in a world of biology, Jake imagined himself as a detective uncovering the secrets of the nucleus.
  • Imagine the nucleus as a cell's control room.
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