nub in a sentence

Meaning: 1) a small lump or residual part, especially a projecting knob-like part 2) the central or essential point or feature 3) a rudimentary or undeveloped piece or part 4) a prominent, small rounded part on a surface Similar words: center, core, crux, essence, focus, gist, heart, kernel, nucleus, pith, pivot, quintessence, substance, central point, main point,

  • She carefully analyzed the critical nub of the research findings.
  • The small nub on the door helps you grip it easily.
  • The architect considered every nub of detail to create a flawless design.
  • Can you pass me that remote? The nub to change the channel is missing.
  • I need to replace the nub on the keychain because it broke off.
  • His speech eloquently addressed the nub of societal issues we face today.
  • The chef emphasized the culinary nub that gave the dish its unique flavor.
  • To succeed in business, one must grasp the strategic nub of market trends.
  • The bread's crust has a chewy nub that I always enjoy.
  • He delved into the labyrinthine nub of quantum physics, pushing the boundaries of scientific understanding.
  • The technological breakthrough hinged on understanding the esoteric nub of quantum mechanics.
  • The detective noticed a small nub of evidence that solved the case.
  • I like the cake's icing, especially the sweet nub on top.
  • The alien spaceship had a mysterious glowing nub on its panel.
  • Exploring the philosophical nub of existence, the book challenged conventional beliefs.
  • They collaborated to unravel the complex nub of the business strategy.
  • It's raining, and I can feel the nub of the umbrella in my hand.
  • There's a little nub of soap left in the bathroom; we should get a new one.
  • They embarked on a collaborative effort to decipher the intricate nub of the algorithmic code.
  • The nub on the handle makes it easier to carry this heavy bag.
  • We decided to compromise and meet at the nub of our differences.
  • The nub of the matter is that we need to solve this problem together.
  • The pencil's eraser had worn down to a small nub.
  • We're striving to comprehend the intricate nub of climate change.
  • The philosophical discourse revolved around the existential nub of human consciousness.
  • After years of practice, she mastered the delicate nub of the violin bow.
  • It's hard to write with this pen; the nub is too small.
  • We grappled with the ontological nub of reality, questioning the nature of existence.
  • The conversation revolved around the essential nub of the issue.
  • The journalist captured the emotional nub of the story in her powerful article.
  • She crafted an eloquent essay, exploring the multifaceted nub of societal norms.
  • The kitten played with the nub of the yarn, batting it around.
  • My shoelace got stuck in the nub of the uneven pavement.
  • In the boardroom, the CEO presented a strategic vision, emphasizing the critical nub of global markets.
  • We gathered around the fire, roasting marshmallows on the nub of sticks.
  • In the symphony's composition, the composer intricately wove the musical nub to evoke profound emotions.
  • The old toy had a missing nub, but my child still loves playing with it.
  • A small nub of clay stuck to the potter's wheel after the project was finished.
  • The new policy addresses the core nub of employee concerns.
  • A little nub of paper stuck out from the book, marking the page.
  • As the deadline approached, they focused on the critical nub of the project.
  • We need to focus on the nub of the problem to find a solution.
  • The baby grabbed onto the nub of her pacifier and wouldn't let go.
  • She shared her insights into the artistic nub of the painting.
  • We navigated through the organizational nub to improve efficiency.
  • They enjoyed the nub of excitement in the air during the festival.
  • He pointed to the nub of the issue during the meeting.
  • He appreciated the nuanced nub of humor in the comedian's routine.
  • They found a nub of information that helped them solve the puzzle.
  • He always carries a nub of chalk in his pocket for drawing on the sidewalk.
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