kernel in a sentence

Meaning: 1) the softer, usually edible part of a seed, nut, or fruit stone contained within its hard shell or husk 2) the central or most important part of something 3) a computer program that is the core of a computer's operating system, with complete control over everything in the system 4) a nucleus in a cell that contains genetic material 5) a softer, usually edible part of a seed, nut, or fruit stone contained within its hard shell or husk Similar words: center, core, essence, germ, heart, hub, nub, nucleus, pith, quintessence, seed, central part, inner core,

  • The technician fixed my computer by updating the operating system kernel.
  • The kernel of the walnut is hard.
  • The chef demonstrated how to extract the pistachio kernel for the dessert.
  • Don't forget to remove the peach kernel before slicing it.
  • Understanding the kernel of a programming language is crucial for coding efficiency.
  • She meticulously examined the manuscript, discerning the thematic kernel of the author's masterpiece.
  • The debate focused on the kernel of the issue, addressing its core components.
  • Jake bit into the apple and accidentally swallowed the tiny kernel.
  • The software engineer explained the importance of the kernel.
  • At the bakery, Emma watched the baker sift flour, emphasizing the importance of the wheat kernel.
  • Lucas accidentally spilled a bag of mixed nuts, each with a distinct shape and kernel inside.
  • It surprised me when I bit into the peach, finding a small, sweet kernel inside.
  • Mary planted a tiny bean kernel in a pot and watched it grow into a vibrant plant.
  • Mom always removes the kernel from olives before serving them.
  • In coding class, Tina tackled a challenging program, troubleshooting errors in the Python kernel.
  • In her bakery, Maria carefully selected the finest vanilla bean for its aromatic kernel.
  • The sunflower seed has a tasty kernel.
  • In the boardroom, he proposed a strategic plan, emphasizing the innovation kernel for market dominance.
  • At the picnic, the ants discovered a dropped kernel of popcorn and celebrated.
  • In culinary school, they taught us how to extract the almond kernel efficiently.
  • Lisa bit into an orange, surprised by the juicy kernel inside bursting with flavor.
  • Farmers are adopting advanced techniques to improve the maize kernel yield.
  • Max picked up a sunflower seed and marveled at its small, hidden kernel.
  • We navigated the bustling city, unraveling the cultural kernel hidden within its diverse neighborhoods.
  • Tim found a strange seed in the garden. It was a kernel!
  • The programmer debugged the code, focusing on the kernel for optimal performance.
  • Sarah cracked open a coconut, revealing a delicious coconut kernel.
  • Cindy planted a sunflower seed in her backyard and eagerly waited for the kernel to sprout.
  • Sam encountered a software bug that originated in the application's kernel.
  • The software developer explained the intricacies of the operating system kernel.
  • The IT specialist troubleshooted issues related to the server's kernel.
  • The watermelon seed is like a tiny kernel.
  • Michelle decided to bake bread from scratch, starting with the wheat kernel.
  • The scientist studied the genetic kernel of the plant to enhance its yield.
  • Tom found a magic seed in his backyard. It was a kernel of adventure!
  • During the hike, Mark discovered a fruit tree and marveled at the size of its avocado kernel.
  • The mechanic inspected the car engine and found a problem in the piston kernel.
  • He crafted a thought-provoking poem, articulating the emotional kernel embedded in human experiences.
  • The lecturer delved into the philosophical kernel of the author's literary work.
  • In the storybook, a brave squirrel searched for the golden acorn kernel hidden in the forest.
  • This is a popcorn kernel.
  • As a wine enthusiast, she discerned the flavor kernel in each grape variety, savoring the complexity.
  • After roasting, the coffee beans release a rich and aromatic kernel.
  • I found a kernel in the corn.
  • Alex accidentally dropped an orange, revealing the seed or kernel inside.
  • He planted the corn kernel in the soil.
  • The apricot has a sweet and juicy kernel inside.
  • The mechanic explained the function of the car engine's kernel to the students.
  • Emily discovered a walnut kernel inside the hard shell she found.
  • Jake's computer had a glitch, and the technician identified the issue in the software kernel.
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