central part in a sentence

Meaning: 1) the core or nucleus of something 2) the primary or essential section within a larger entity 3) a pivotal or crucial component of a system 4) a region located at the center of a geographic area or structure 5) a fundamental and integral aspect of an object or concept 6) the main or prominent portion of an organization or institution 7) the middle part of a spatial arrangement or layout Similar words: center, core, epicenter, heart, hub, middle, nucleus, focal point,

  • The aspiring chef focused on the central part of the recipe, perfecting the secret sauce that made his signature dish extraordinary.
  • The central part of the story is about a young girl and her adventures.
  • We unveiled a groundbreaking discovery, emphasizing the central part of our findings in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
  • She enjoys spending time in the central part of the city, exploring new places.
  • The central part of the cake is filled with delicious chocolate cream.
  • They discovered a hidden treasure in the central part of the old castle.
  • The central part of the documentary shed light on the environmental challenges.
  • As a historian, he delved into the central part of the ancient civilization's customs.
  • Within the realm of psychology, understanding the central part of cognitive processes became paramount in developing effective therapeutic interventions.
  • I lost my keys in the central part of the house, near the kitchen.
  • They addressed the central part of the climate crisis, proposing comprehensive policies to mitigate environmental degradation and promote sustainability.
  • During the expedition, the explorers stumbled upon the central part of an ancient temple, revealing intricate carvings and hidden chambers.
  • He presented a thesis on the central part of economic development in the region.
  • I struggled to comprehend the central part of the philosophical concept, seeking guidance from my mentor to grasp its deeper meaning.
  • In the context of urban planning, the central part of the city underwent a transformation, incorporating sustainable architecture and smart infrastructure.
  • The central part of the meeting focused on important issues.
  • They grappled with the central part of the philosophical discourse, engaging in a nuanced debate on existentialism and its implications.
  • The central part of our weekend plans is going to the local market.
  • The central part of the book describes the protagonist's journey.
  • As a team, we brainstormed ideas in the central part of the office, aiming to create an innovative solution to the challenging problem.
  • The connoisseur appreciated the subtle nuances in the central part of the wine, identifying layers of flavor that showcased its exceptional quality.
  • The central part of the town is where the big park is.
  • Exploring the central part of the culinary arts, the renowned chef demonstrated the fusion of traditional techniques with avant-garde gastronomy.
  • He left his backpack in the central part of the classroom during lunch.
  • I recognized the central part of the financial markets, navigating through intricate strategies to optimize portfolio performance.
  • I explored the central part of artificial intelligence, contemplating its ethical implications and future societal impact.
  • The central part of the puzzle is the mysterious image in the middle.
  • The superhero's powers were concentrated in the central part of his chest, glowing with energy whenever danger approached.
  • She placed the gift in the central part of the table for everyone to see.
  • We always meet in the central part of the park for our morning walks.
  • The central part of the shopping mall is where they have the food court.
  • As the time-traveling adventure unfolded, the central part of the story revealed a crucial decision that altered the course of history.
  • We gathered around the campfire, discussing the central part of our plan for the upcoming expedition into the mysterious cave.
  • In a play, the central part is often played by the main character.
  • The debate heated up when they reached the central part of the controversial topic.
  • We celebrated the success of our project, acknowledging the crucial role played by the central part of our collaborative efforts.
  • They debated the central part of the political proposal, discussing its potential impact on the community and the economy.
  • She carefully pointed out the central part of the equation, emphasizing its importance in solving complex mathematical problems.
  • Can you meet me in the central part of the park later?
  • I love spending time in the central part of the library, surrounded by books.
  • As the detective investigated the crime scene, his attention fixated on the central part of the room where the valuable artifact had vanished.
  • My favorite cafe is in the central part of the town square.
  • He enthusiastically shared the central part of his dream, envisioning a world where renewable energy could transform the way we live.
  • I forgot my umbrella in the central part of the bus, and now it's raining.
  • The spaceship's control panel had a central part that, when activated, initiated the warp drive, propelling the crew into distant galaxies.
  • We analyzed the central part of the experiment to understand the key findings.
  • They decided to set up the picnic in the central part of the garden.
  • In the heart of the enchanted forest, the central part was a mysterious clearing where magical creatures gathered.
  • She envisioned transformative urban landscapes, placing the central part of her designs at the intersection of sustainability and aesthetics.
  • The government's policies aim to address issues in the central part of the country.
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