hub in a sentence

Meaning: 1) a center around which other things revolve or from which they radiate; a focal point 2) the central or main part of something where there is most activity 3) a device or place that connects multiple things or people 4) a place where a particular activity is concentrated or organized 5) the core or central part of a wheel or a rotating object 6) a location or facility that serves as a point of transfer for transportation or communication 7) a website or online platform that serves as a central point for information or services 8) a point in a network from which many connections are made to facilitate communication or data exchange 9) a component in a system that enables the connection and communication of various devices or parts 10) the central part of an airport where passengers and cargo are transferred between flights Similar words: capital, center, core, epicenter, focus, headquarters, heart, mainstay, middle, nexus, nucleus, pivot, central point, focal point,

  • The art curator's ability to select and showcase avant-garde pieces elevated the museum's reputation as a hub for cutting-edge contemporary art.
  • The old library was renovated into a community center. Soon, programs flourished, and it became a hub of activity.
  • The cozy cafe was a hub of merry activity, with patrons sipping coffee and chatting over slices of freshly baked pie.
  • The economic hub of the region, the city drives business and commerce.
  • Navigating the complex web of international relations, diplomats strive to maintain their nation's status as a global hub.
  • Our favorite restaurant is a social hub for our group of friends.
  • At the bustling market, vendors showcased their goods in a lively hub of commerce.
  • The neighborhood bakery evolved into a social hub where locals shared stories.
  • He plugged the USB drive into the computer's hub to share photos.
  • The university campus acts as an educational hub for students from various backgrounds.
  • I always keep my keys in the hub by the front door.
  • Understanding the political hub of the nation is vital for informed citizenship.
  • Navigating the financial hub, she learned about investment strategies.
  • He strategized to position the company as a global innovation hub.
  • The airport is a busy hub with many flights coming and going.
  • The technological hub of the city attracts innovators and entrepreneurs.
  • We must grapple with the ethical implications of technology evolving into a surveillance hub.
  • The metropolitan city, known for its architectural marvels, stands as a cultural and economic hub.
  • She placed the USB drive into the computer's hub to transfer files.
  • The neighborhood grocery store is a convenient hub for shopping.
  • Implicit in her argument is the idea that language serves as a nuanced hub for cultural expression.
  • Local farmers' markets often act as a hub for fresh, locally sourced produce.
  • In the quaint village, the community garden became a hub for green thumbs.
  • They set up a gaming hub in the basement for weekend fun.
  • The polymath's study, adorned with diverse literature and scientific instruments, is a hub of intellectual exploration.
  • My home has a central hub where we gather for meals.
  • A well-organized workspace can function as a productivity hub for professionals.
  • The internet router acts as the hub for our home network.
  • The city park serves as a hub for families to gather and play.
  • The shopping district serves as a fashion hub, showcasing the latest trends.
  • Managing multiple email accounts can be streamlined through a central hub.
  • In the middle of the room, there's a hub for socializing and chatting.
  • The scientist explained how the brain functions as a hub for processing information.
  • The city's central bus station serves as a transportation hub.
  • Max's bicycle shop became the hub for cyclists seeking repairs and gear.
  • In a small town, the old bookstore became the hub for book lovers.
  • He proudly showed off his new smartwatch with a fitness hub.
  • The social media platform serves as a hub for connecting people worldwide.
  • It's important to check if the car's hub is in good condition for a smooth drive.
  • I saw her at the hub of the shopping mall, talking to a friend.
  • Jenny's smartphone, filled with apps, became the hub of her daily activities.
  • The library is a hub of knowledge and information.
  • My phone charger is plugged into the power hub on the wall.
  • The city's downtown area is a transportation hub with buses and trains.
  • The cozy café, with its aromatic coffee, became a favorite hub for friends.
  • Fitness apps can serve as a hub for tracking and improving your health.
  • She put her phone on the charging hub before going to bed.
  • Jake discovered a hidden hub of creativity in the local art studio.
  • John explored the role of consciousness as a central hub in philosophical discourse.
  • The nucleus acts as a regulatory hub, dictating the synthesis of proteins in a cell.
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