focal point in a sentence

Meaning: 1) the point at which converging rays or waves meet, causing an image or signal to be focused 2) a central or principal point of concentration or emphasis 3) a point of convergence or activity, often drawing attention or interest 4) a specific point or location in space or time that serves as a reference or center 5) a distinct and significant aspect or feature that stands out among others 6) a point in a situation or process that requires special attention or consideration Similar words: core, emphasis, epicenter, heart, highlight, hub, keystone, nucleus, central point, main point, main focus, key element, main attraction,

  • During a presentation, maintaining eye contact serves as a powerful focal point.
  • In her cozy bakery, the aroma of freshly baked bread serves as the focal point, enticing customers inside.
  • He chose a bold painting to be the focal point in his bedroom.
  • They gathered around the campfire, making it the natural focal point for storytelling and camaraderie.
  • Amidst the serene forest, a hidden waterfall emerged as the focal point of the hiking trail.
  • It's easy to create a focal point in a room with a stylish piece of furniture.
  • Choosing a bold accent wall can establish a focal point in a neutral-colored space.
  • The seasoned curator meticulously curated the exhibit, strategically placing each artwork to create a dynamic focal point within the gallery.
  • In the bustling market, we discovered a vibrant stall where exotic spices became the focal point of our culinary exploration.
  • In the city park, a talented street musician's guitar playing became the focal point, drawing a diverse crowd.
  • The mysterious old map found in the attic became the focal point of a thrilling family adventure.
  • In literature, the author often establishes a focal point to convey the central theme.
  • She always makes her bed the focal point in her bedroom.
  • The colorful rug becomes the focal point in our cozy apartment.
  • A well-chosen focal point can enhance the overall design of a room.
  • The dusty book on the shelf, once overlooked, suddenly became the focal point of the book club discussion.
  • The entrepreneur recognized the importance of a brand logo as the focal point in marketing.
  • The success of a scientific experiment relies on identifying the correct focal point for observation.
  • He organized the shelves meticulously, making sure each book had its place as a focal point in his personal library.
  • The historic building serves as the focal point for tourists in the city.
  • The tall mountain serves as the focal point in this landscape.
  • When redecorating, consider a standout piece of furniture as the focal point of the room.
  • We attended a lively concert where the charismatic singer became the focal point of the night.
  • The sparkling chandelier is the focal point in our dining area.
  • When decorating, find a focal point to make the room more interesting.
  • As they decorated the living room, the family agreed that the fireplace should be the focal point of warmth.
  • In her office, the large desk serves as the focal point.
  • They made the cozy fireplace the focal point of their living room.
  • The astute event planner orchestrated the venue layout, ensuring that the stage and lighting formed a compelling focal point for the audience.
  • The teacher used colorful charts to create a focal point during the lesson.
  • In the classroom, the enthusiastic teacher used an interactive whiteboard as the focal point for engaging lessons.
  • Social media profiles often use eye-catching images as the focal point for attention.
  • A well-decorated fireplace can be the focal point of a cozy living space.
  • The architect strategically designed the building's entrance to serve as the focal point.
  • It's important for a presentation to have a clear focal point for the audience.
  • Effective public speakers know how to maintain a strong focal point throughout their speech.
  • During our road trip, we stumbled upon an ancient ruin that became the unexpected focal point of our adventure.
  • He explored existential questions, identifying human consciousness as the primary focal point of inquiry.
  • The city park has a fountain that acts as a focal point for relaxation.
  • We decided that the family photo would be the focal point of the hallway.
  • The large clock in the town square is the focal point for gatherings.
  • Within the realm of culinary arts, the avant-garde chef masterfully crafted a multi-course dining experience, each dish serving as a distinct focal point in the gastronomic journey.
  • At the bustling market, the vibrant flower stall served as the focal point for customers seeking beauty.
  • An engaging headline serves as the focal point in a well-crafted article or blog post.
  • Effective leaders use clear communication as the focal point in team meetings.
  • In a garden, a blooming flower can be the focal point for beauty.
  • In photography, it's important to have a clear focal point for a compelling image.
  • Understanding color theory is crucial when deciding on a focal point for interior design.
  • The golden statue became the focal point of the exhibition.
  • A carefully chosen focal point can significantly impact the ambiance of a space.
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