epicenter in a sentence

Meaning: 1) the point on the Earth's surface directly above the origin of an earthquake 2) a focal point, central location, or main area of activity 3) the point in the Earth's atmosphere directly above an explosion or event 4) a central or principal place, often associated with significant events or developments Similar words: center, core, focus, heart, hub, middle, nucleus, central point, focal point, main point, central location,

  • The children's laughter echoed from the playground, the epicenter of their joy.
  • The excitement at the concert was at its epicenter, right in front of the stage.
  • They navigated the delicate negotiations at the epicenter of international relations, aiming for lasting peace.
  • We find ourselves at the epicenter of a digital revolution, shaping the contours of a new information age.
  • Leaders must skillfully position themselves at the epicenter of diplomatic discourse to navigate complex international relations.
  • They embarked on a mission that placed them at the epicenter of cosmic exploration, far beyond our planetary boundaries.
  • The social media post, with its viral content, became the epicenter of online discussions.
  • In her role as a renowned neuroscientist, she delved into the epicenter of cognitive processes, unraveling the mysteries of the human mind.
  • Emergency response teams quickly mobilized to the earthquake's epicenter.
  • Jake's heart raced as he approached the epicenter of the haunted forest, where mysterious lights flickered in the darkness.
  • Mark's antique shop, located at the epicenter of the old town, held forgotten stories within each vintage item on its shelves.
  • The documentary explored the social issues at the epicenter of the urban development debate.
  • The detective carefully examined the crime scene, searching for clues near the epicenter.
  • She found herself at the epicenter of a lively discussion about the upcoming event.
  • It became clear that the epicenter of the issue stemmed from miscommunication.
  • The epicenter of the pandemic was initially identified in Wuhan.
  • The quaint bookstore, nestled in the heart of the town, served as the epicenter of magical tales and literary adventures.
  • People felt the strongest shaking at the epicenter of the quake.
  • Having witnessed the economic downturn, he analyzed the epicenter of the financial crisis.
  • He confidently pointed to the map, indicating the epicenter of the treasure hunt.
  • In a surprise twist, the epicenter of the celebration shifted to the rooftop terrace.
  • In geography, the epicenter is the point on the Earth's surface directly above the earthquake's origin.
  • As we contemplate the ramifications of climate change, we stand collectively at the epicenter of environmental responsibility and sustainable practices.
  • Despite initial skepticism, he spearheaded a groundbreaking initiative, positioning himself at the epicenter of technological disruption.
  • The trendy cafe emerged as the epicenter of social gatherings among young professionals.
  • The earthquake's epicenter was located near the city.
  • As the project manager, he found himself at the epicenter of coordinating various tasks.
  • I couldn't believe I was standing at the epicenter of such a historic moment.
  • The seismic activity was most intense at the epicenter.
  • The bakery, with its delicious aromas, is the epicenter of temptation for dessert lovers.
  • The local market stands at the epicenter of the community, bustling with activity.
  • The family reunion took place at the ancestral home, considered the epicenter of family history.
  • The startup's office was strategically located at the epicenter of the tech industry.
  • The philanthropist's foundation functioned at the epicenter of systemic change, addressing root causes of societal challenges.
  • Amidst the cosmopolitan cityscape, the avant-garde gallery stood as the epicenter of postmodern artistic discourse.
  • Maria, a young journalist, found herself at the epicenter of breaking news when she stumbled upon a hidden treasure map.
  • The earthquake's epicenter was deep beneath the ocean floor.
  • The entrepreneur strategically positioned her startup at the epicenter of innovation, fostering collaboration among industry leaders.
  • The political analyst delved into the epicenter of geopolitical tensions, dissecting the intricacies of diplomatic maneuvers.
  • Emily's cozy kitchen became the epicenter of laughter and warmth as friends gathered for a spontaneous cooking competition.
  • As the storm approached, the lighthouse keeper stood at the epicenter of duty, ensuring ships found safe passage through the tempest.
  • We discovered the epicenter of the excitement when we arrived at the carnival.
  • We must grapple with our existential dilemmas, positioning ourselves at the epicenter of self-discovery and personal growth.
  • Scientists study the epicenter to understand earthquakes better.
  • The epicenter of the shopping district is the bustling mall downtown.
  • It was surprising how quickly the news of the epicenter spread through the small town.
  • After the renovation, the town square became the epicenter of cultural events and festivals.
  • The news report mentioned the epicenter of the hurricane.
  • The restaurant, located in the heart of the city, is considered the epicenter of culinary delight.
  • The bustling train station serves as the epicenter for commuters traveling to the city.
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