sprout in a sentence

Meaning: 1) a young shoot or growth, especially one that has recently emerged from a seed or other plant part 2) any new growth of a plant, typically from a seed 3) (of a plant) produce new growth or shoots 4) begin to grow or develop Similar words: blossom, develop, flourish, germinate, greenery, grow, offshoot, plantlet, sapling, seedling, shoot,

  • As the days grew warmer, the grass began to sprout across the meadow.
  • We should plant some sunflower seeds and see how tall they can sprout.
  • Bobby couldn't contain his excitement when he saw the first sprout in his garden.
  • With the right conditions, beans can sprout in just a matter of days.
  • Sarah's heart swelled with pride as she saw her first sprout pushing through the ground.
  • With a little water and sunlight, the seeds began to sprout, filling the room with life.
  • Max's garden bloomed. Every sprout prospered.
  • With each new sprout, Emily felt a sense of accomplishment and connection to nature.
  • Sam found seeds. He hoped they'd sprout.
  • My mom's green thumb is amazing; she can make anything sprout in no time.
  • Every morning, Timmy checked his bean plant, waiting for it to sprout.
  • The teacher explained how seeds sprout into plants during science class.
  • The farmer eagerly waited for the seeds to sprout so he could begin harvesting his crops.
  • They were thrilled to see the first sprout appear in the garden.
  • How long does it take for a sprout to become a plant?
  • The botanist's research revealed fascinating insights into the genetic mechanisms that regulate how seeds sprout and develop.
  • I planted seeds and watched them sprout.
  • Look! The flowers we planted last month have finally started to sprout.
  • We marveled at the emergence of vertical farms where artificial intelligence algorithms monitored every aspect of sprout growth, ensuring optimal yields year-round.
  • I planted seeds with reverence and gratitude, knowing that each sprout held the potential to nourish body, mind, and soul.
  • Lily watered her plants. A sprout appeared.
  • He championed the practice of no-till farming, allowing seeds to sprout in undisturbed soil, thereby enhancing soil health and biodiversity.
  • The sprout needs plenty of sunlight to grow big and strong.
  • He possessed an intuitive understanding of the subtle cues signaling when seeds were ready to sprout, honed over decades of experience.
  • Look, there's a sprout growing in the flowerpot!
  • I planted some seeds last week, and now I'm waiting for them to sprout.
  • Be gentle with the delicate sprout.
  • The gardener carefully tended to the seedlings, ensuring they would sprout into healthy plants.
  • They worked tirelessly to ensure that each sprout received the care and attention it needed to flourish.
  • She carefully tended to the sprout, making sure it had enough water.
  • The sprout needs sunlight to thrive.
  • It's important to water the seeds regularly to encourage them to sprout and grow.
  • After a few days of rain, small mushrooms began to sprout in the forest.
  • They revolutionized urban agriculture by developing innovative systems that maximize space and optimize conditions for sprout cultivation.
  • To start a vegetable garden, prepare soil, plant seeds, and monitor sprout growth.
  • Let's plant some seeds and wait for them to sprout.
  • To sprout lentils, soak overnight, rinse, and wait for tiny sprouts to form.
  • The child was excited to see the first signs of the sunflower seeds starting to sprout.
  • The little sprout is so fragile.
  • Can you see the sprout coming out of the soil?
  • The sprout emerged from the earth overnight.
  • Grandma's secret to a successful garden was simple: patience and love for each sprout.
  • He watched in amazement as the sprout emerged from the ground.
  • He watched with anticipation as the seedlings began to sprout in the planter box.
  • It was a joyous moment when I saw the tiny sprout emerge from the seed I planted.
  • I reveled in the symphony of life unfolding in my backyard, where each sprout represented a promise of renewal and growth.
  • Do you know how long it takes for tomato seeds to sprout?
  • I'm thinking of starting a small herb garden so I can watch the plants sprout.
  • They worked together to create the perfect environment for the seeds to sprout.
  • I marveled at the intricacies of cellular processes that govern how seeds sprout and transform into mature organisms.
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