whether in a sentence

Meaning: 1) expressing a doubt or choice between alternatives 2) used to introduce the first of two or more alternatives Similar words: if, in case, provided that, in the event that,

  • They argued about the width of the painting, whether it was too wide or not.
  • They argue about whether the rule is fair.
  • I grappled with the ethical dilemma of whether to expose the unscrupulous actions of my colleague, balancing loyalty with moral obligation in a cutthroat corporate environment.
  • We discussed whether it's ethical to download movies from unauthorized websites.
  • Ethical dilemmas often arise in the medical field, such as deciding whether to prioritize patient autonomy or beneficence.
  • He struggles with the ethical dilemma of whether to report his coworker's unethical actions to their supervisor.
  • He grapples with the philosophical conundrum of whether an act can be considered truly immoral if it's culturally acceptable within a particular society.
  • We need to address the root causes of why people feel the need to hoard possessions, whether it's driven by insecurity or other factors.
  • She's contemplating whether to nominate her sister for the talent show or the art competition.
  • They debated whether to trust the expiration date on the food label.
  • They had a heated argument over whether to trust the nutritional label.
  • My opinion is split on whether to take the job offer.
  • The debate over whether to segregate public transportation by gender continues to stir controversy.
  • Scholars often debate whether cultural differences can disunite or enrich a globalized world.
  • People have different opinions about whether eugenics should be studied or not.
  • He's grappling with the concept of retribution and whether it truly brings closure to victims of crime.
  • We often fail to recognize that payback, whether positive or negative, shapes our relationships and interactions.
  • They grappled with the philosophical question of whether vengeance could ever truly bring justice.
  • They're debating whether revenge is worth the potential fallout.
  • The debate over whether retribution or rehabilitation is more effective in reducing crime continues to rage on.
  • People often debate whether retribution or forgiveness is the better approach to resolving conflicts.
  • She's contemplating whether holding onto the grudge is worth the emotional toll it's taking on her.
  • We are at a pivotal moment in history where our collective actions will determine whether we grow and prosper or falter and decline.
  • They debated whether the antagonist truly deserved to be labeled a villain or if circumstances had pushed them to extremes.
  • As society grappled with issues of systemic injustice, many began to question whether the real villain was the system itself, perpetuating inequality and oppression.
  • They grappled with the ethical implications of the trickster's actions, questioning whether his ends justified the means or merely perpetuated a cycle of deceit and manipulation.
  • The townsfolk couldn't decide whether to admire or despise the rapscallion for his audacious behavior.
  • We must scrutinize political rhetoric, discerning whether calls for unity genuinely bridge divides or merely mask latent jingoistic agendas.
  • They questioned whether the central premise of the research could withstand rigorous peer review.
  • The debate over immigration policies became heated, with politicians arguing whether to sanction stricter border controls.
  • She's debating whether to grant her teenager more independence.
  • We debated whether to seek permission or ask for forgiveness later.
  • We're discussing whether to grant him access to our group chat.
  • We were muddled about whether to choose the beach or the mountains for vacation.
  • Take time to savor and fully enjoy the simple pleasures of each moment, whether it's sipping a cup of tea or watching the sunset.
  • Find joy in the little things, whether it's the laughter of children or the beauty of nature, allowing yourself to find happiness in unexpected places.
  • Mark deliberated over whether to invest in stocks or real estate for long-term financial growth.
  • Chris asked his teacher whether there would be a test next week.
  • Check whether the oven is preheated before putting in the cake.
  • I don't know whether I passed the exam or not.
  • Ask whether the package has arrived yet.
  • Confirm whether the meeting is still scheduled for tomorrow.
  • Sara couldn't decide whether to wear the blue dress or the red one to the party.
  • Double-check whether you've saved your work before closing the document.
  • Test whether the microphone is working before the presentation.
  • I found myself caught in a whirlwind of uncertainty, unsure whether to follow my heart or my head.
  • Max wondered whether it was going to rain and if he should bring an umbrella.
  • David wasn't sure whether to eat the chocolate cake or the vanilla one for dessert.
  • They deliberated for hours, trying to determine whether the risk was worth taking for the potential reward.
  • Tell me whether you prefer tea or coffee.
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