compile in a sentence

Meaning: 1) assemble information, data, or materials systematically for a specific purpose 2) convert a high-level programming code into machine code for execution 3) produce a complete or organized work from various sources or components 4) create a comprehensive list or document by gathering and organizing relevant details 5) accumulate or gather items, often for a specific purpose or task Similar words: aggregate, amass, arrange, assemble, build, collect, combine, compose, consolidate, construct, gather, group, merge, organize, synthesize, systematize, sort, unify,

  • She gathers pertinent data from various sources to compile a comprehensive report.
  • The ambitious goal of the project was to compile a multidisciplinary database, encompassing fields from astrophysics to microbiology.
  • As an architect, his role was to compile design specifications, ensuring the seamless integration of aesthetics and structural integrity.
  • When preparing for a presentation, compile key points to ensure clarity and coherence.
  • The office manager asked us to compile our work hours.
  • Let's compile a list of places to visit during the vacation.
  • The librarian helps students compile reference lists.
  • Let's compile a playlist of our favorite songs.
  • I compile notes during meetings to stay organized.
  • Can you compile a list of ingredients for the recipe?
  • Can you help me compile a playlist for the party?
  • The software engineer needs to compile the code before testing.
  • We should compile a list of favorite recipes to share.
  • I need to compile all my bills for the month.
  • It's essential that I compile accurate information for the presentation.
  • Let's compile a list of things to pack for the trip.
  • As a project manager, you must compile progress updates regularly.
  • Can you compile a summary of the main points from the meeting?
  • Can you compile a list of phone numbers for our contacts?
  • In the realm of big data analytics, the ability to efficiently compile vast datasets is indispensable for deriving meaningful insights.
  • I like to compile my to-do list for the day.
  • Before the product launch, the marketing team had to compile consumer feedback and market research to refine their advertising strategy.
  • Students compile their research findings in a report.
  • They are working collaboratively to compile a guide for new employees.
  • I compile a weekly menu to plan meals ahead.
  • We need to compile the results of the survey for analysis.
  • The professor encouraged students to compile their research findings into a scholarly publication, contributing to the academic discourse on the subject.
  • I compile a list of errands to run on the weekend.
  • To streamline communication, compile a contact list with relevant phone numbers and emails.
  • He has to compile a list of potential clients.
  • I compile a list of my favorite books.
  • We are working together to compile a list of team-building activities.
  • Researchers sought to compile a comprehensive database of genetic markers to advance personalized medicine and precision healthcare.
  • When creating a budget, be sure to compile all your monthly expenses.
  • As a researcher, it is crucial to compile accurate data.
  • In software development, programmers compile code to identify errors before execution.
  • As the project manager, she skillfully orchestrated the team's efforts to compile a groundbreaking research paper on artificial intelligence.
  • To compile a bibliography, list all the sources you consulted during your research.
  • It's time to compile a list of goals for the year.
  • I like to compile photos from family gatherings.
  • To analyze market trends, compile and study data from various sources.
  • The journalist will compile information for an in-depth article.
  • The editor will compile different perspectives into a cohesive story.
  • The teacher asks the students to compile their research notes.
  • It's important to compile emergency contacts in your phone.
  • The manager asked us to compile our progress reports.
  • We need to compile data for the annual report.
  • We should compile a list of movies to watch together.
  • Sarah's dream was to compile a family tree, tracing her roots back through generations to uncover long-forgotten stories.
  • Before deploying the application, the developer needed to compile the source code into an executable file for testing and validation.
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