amass in a sentence

Meaning: 1) accumulate a large quantity of something, typically a valuable resource or wealth 2) gather or collect in a gradual or systematic way, often over a period of time Similar words: accumulate, aggregate, assemble, collect, compile, constitute, gather, hoard, stockpile, pile up,

  • Despite his philanthropic façade, the billionaire mogul was revealed as a cunning knave, exploiting tax loopholes to amass his fortune.
  • We amass messages in our inbox.
  • We amass laughter during family dinners.
  • I amass clothes in my closet.
  • We need to amass evidence to support our argument in the upcoming debate.
  • In her career, she continues to amass recognition for her outstanding contributions.
  • They amass dishes in the sink.
  • He aims to amass a substantial portfolio of investments for his retirement.
  • As a team, they amass victories by working together and supporting each other.
  • We amass groceries in the kitchen.
  • I amass friends on social media.
  • We can amass valuable insights by listening to diverse perspectives.
  • As individuals, we amass a collection of memories that shape our identities.
  • In the laboratory, scientists amass data to support their hypotheses.
  • The kids amass toys in the living room.
  • Despite the challenges, we manage to amass experience and skills over time.
  • They gradually amass wealth through hard work and strategic investments.
  • We amass shells on the beach.
  • Governments aim to amass resources for national development.
  • The literary connoisseur endeavored to amass a collection of rare and obscure manuscripts from around the world.
  • Writers amass ideas for their next literary masterpiece.
  • Entrepreneurs work hard to amass a successful business empire.
  • I amass coins in my piggy bank.
  • The neuroscientist's groundbreaking research sought to amass a deeper understanding of the human brain's complexities.
  • Technology companies strive to amass a user base for their products.
  • The diplomat sought to amass allies in order to navigate the complex geopolitical landscape.
  • The organization aims to amass funds for charitable causes.
  • We amass tickets from various events.
  • The tycoon endeavored to amass a diverse portfolio, spanning industries from technology to real estate.
  • The avant-garde artist aimed to amass critical acclaim by pushing the boundaries of traditional artistic expression.
  • The tech visionary's mission was to amass a team of brilliant minds to drive innovation in artificial intelligence.
  • The detective tries to amass clues to solve the mystery.
  • Political leaders try to amass support for their policies.
  • We amass knowledge through reading.
  • We amass fruits for the picnic.
  • They amass experiences while traveling.
  • The philanthropist worked tirelessly to amass resources for addressing global challenges such as poverty and disease.
  • Athletes work tirelessly to amass achievements in their careers.
  • We amass friends over the years.
  • Researchers amass samples for laboratory analysis.
  • Investors aim to amass wealth over time.
  • Scholars amass evidence to support their theories.
  • Engineers amass knowledge to innovate and solve challenges.
  • I amass postcards from different places.
  • I amass photos in my album.
  • Educators amass teaching materials to enhance classroom experiences.
  • The artist's goal is to amass recognition for their unique style.
  • The scholar's comprehensive study aimed to amass insights into the intricacies of quantum mechanics.
  • They amass feedback for improvement.
  • The ants amass food in their nest.
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