assemble in a sentence

Meaning: 1) bring or gather together (people, things, or parts) into a group or whole 2) fit together the separate component parts of (a machine or other object) 3) gather together in one place for a common purpose 4) (of people) gather together in one place for a common purpose 5) cause (a group of people) to act in a coordinated way 6) (of a product) be made by fitting or putting together the separate component parts 7) (of people or things) come together in a single group or place Similar words: accumulate, aggregate, amass, arrange, build, cluster, collect, combine, compile, constitute, construct, convene, gather, group, muster, organize, unite,

  • The puzzle enthusiasts eagerly gathered to assemble a challenging 3D puzzle, testing their spatial reasoning skills and patience.
  • The orchestra conductor expertly guided the musicians to assemble a harmonious blend of melodies, captivating the audience with their performance.
  • With a keen eye for detail, the team of engineers managed to flawlessly assemble the spacecraft, readying it for its interstellar journey.
  • As the conference progressed, experts from various fields began to assemble, fostering an environment of collaborative innovation.
  • In the virtual realm, programmers collaborated to assemble a sophisticated software solution, pushing the boundaries of technological innovation.
  • We need to assemble the furniture following the instructions.
  • The committee will assemble next week to discuss the proposed changes.
  • It's easy to assemble this bookshelf with the provided tools.
  • Let's assemble a playlist for the road trip this weekend.
  • We're planning to assemble a book club to discuss our favorite novels.
  • In the research laboratory, scientists worked diligently to assemble the experimental apparatus, eager to uncover groundbreaking discoveries.
  • Please help me assemble the camping tent.
  • The team will assemble at the park for a friendly game of soccer.
  • I assemble the puzzle pieces together.
  • Children love to assemble Lego sets.
  • The renowned architect meticulously planned how to assemble the structural components, ensuring the building's stability and aesthetic appeal.
  • The skilled artisans were able to seamlessly assemble the intricate pieces of the antique clock, restoring it to its former glory.
  • The scientists will assemble the experiment setup in the laboratory.
  • Can you assemble the team for the group project?
  • We need to assemble all the necessary documents before the meeting.
  • Let's assemble all the ingredients for the recipe.
  • Can you help me assemble a quick and healthy dinner tonight?
  • We must assemble our collective wisdom and resources to address pressing environmental challenges and foster sustainable development.
  • The workers will assemble at the factory to start the morning shift.
  • I'll need to assemble a team for the charity event next month.
  • It's time to assemble the ingredients for our favorite homemade pizza.
  • I usually assemble my outfits the night before to save time in the morning.
  • The film crew will assemble at the studio to begin shooting the new movie.
  • In the laboratory, intricate experiments unfolded as researchers tirelessly worked to assemble groundbreaking prototypes, pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge.
  • We should assemble early for the meeting to discuss the plan.
  • She dedicated months to assemble a design team capable of bringing her ambitious urban redevelopment project to fruition.
  • Let's assemble some friends for a game night at my place.
  • The team worked collaboratively to assemble a detailed presentation.
  • The elite team of chefs collaborated to assemble an exquisite culinary masterpiece, delighting the discerning palates of the restaurant's patrons.
  • Before the trip, we should assemble a checklist to make sure we don't forget anything.
  • The workers will assemble the parts to build the machine.
  • As the political summit approached, diplomats from around the world began to assemble, seeking common ground for international cooperation.
  • To successfully assemble the device, you'll need a basic understanding of electronics.
  • The students will assemble in the auditorium for the assembly.
  • The engineers will assemble the prototype using advanced technology.
  • The conference will bring together experts to assemble insights on the latest research.
  • It's crucial to assemble a diverse team to tackle complex challenges.
  • The instructions will indicate how to assemble the furniture.
  • I need you to define the steps to assemble this furniture.
  • I'll review the instructions before attempting to assemble the furniture.
  • Securely tighten the screws at the nucleus of the furniture to assemble it correctly.
  • I need to assemble my notes before the exam.
  • Assemble the ingredients for the recipe before starting to ensure a smooth cooking process.
  • I have to assemble a team for the group project.
  • Please assemble your belongings before leaving the room.
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