collect in a sentence

Meaning: 1) gather together or accumulate 2) systematically acquire items for a specific purpose 3) request and receive payment 4) regain control of oneself or one's emotions 5) call for and take payment of a bet or winnings 6) bring or gather together for a common purpose 7) mount as a charge or attack 8) get or bring together a specified group of people or things 9) make a careful examination or analysis of 10) get or compile information from various sources Similar words: accumulate, aggregate, amass, assemble, cluster, compile, congregate, convene, corral, cull, gather, harvest, hoard, muster, pool, retrieve, stockpile,

  • We must conscientiously collect diverse perspectives to foster inclusive dialogue.
  • Filmmakers meticulously collect footage to tell a compelling story in their documentaries.
  • They collect recipes from different cultures to experiment with new flavors.
  • Home gardeners should collect information on soil conditions for optimal plant growth.
  • The philanthropist's mission extended beyond wealth accumulation; he aimed to collect resources to address societal inequities and foster positive change.
  • In the realm of astronomy, researchers collaborated to collect data from distant galaxies, unveiling the mysteries of the cosmos.
  • The entrepreneur decided to collect feedback from customers to improve the product.
  • They collect information for the school project.
  • Families often collect around the dinner table to eat.
  • Archaeologists collect artifacts to piece together ancient civilizations.
  • Cyclists collect data on their rides to track performance and set personal goals.
  • As an avid bibliophile, he sought to collect first editions from renowned authors, meticulously preserving the literary heritage of bygone eras.
  • I collect vintage postcards from my travels as souvenirs.
  • To enhance productivity, professionals often collect time-management strategies that suit their workflow.
  • I collect feathers from colorful birds.
  • With an insatiable passion for numismatics, she embarked on a global quest to collect ancient coins, each bearing a unique historical narrative.
  • Students collect notes and study together for exams.
  • People collect information online for their projects.
  • They collect old newspapers for recycling.
  • Amidst the chaos of war, a dedicated journalist risked her life to collect firsthand accounts, documenting the human toll of conflict with unwavering courage.
  • Musicians collect inspiration for composing new songs.
  • Parents often collect handprints and drawings as cherished keepsakes.
  • Environmentalists work together to collect litter and clean up public spaces.
  • Language learners benefit from diverse resources to collect a broad vocabulary.
  • People collect memories in their minds and hearts.
  • Investors often collect diverse assets to create a well-balanced portfolio.
  • She and her friends collect funds to support local community projects.
  • Deep in the rainforest, the biologist meticulously worked to collect samples of undiscovered plant species, contributing to the field of biodiversity conservation.
  • Do you collect coupons for grocery shopping?
  • Computers collect and process information through algorithms.
  • Entrepreneurs should collect market research to understand consumer needs and preferences.
  • The museum staff collect artifacts for the new exhibition.
  • Do you collect postcards from different countries?
  • We collect recyclables to help the environment.
  • The kids collect toys in baskets.
  • I collect stamps as a hobby.
  • I collect memories in a scrapbook.
  • Successful writers consistently collect feedback to refine their writing skills.
  • We collect fruits from our backyard.
  • They collect data through surveys to understand public opinions.
  • Cars collect fuel to run efficiently.
  • Our community organizes events to collect donations for charity.
  • Students collect feedback on group projects to improve collaboration.
  • We collect data for the research project.
  • The children collect toys and share them with each other.
  • The scientist's groundbreaking research required him to collect vast datasets, paving the way for innovative discoveries in the realm of artificial intelligence.
  • When planning a trip, seasoned travelers often collect local insights for a more authentic experience.
  • As a seasoned linguist, she endeavored to collect and preserve endangered languages, recognizing their cultural significance in an ever-evolving world.
  • My grandfather likes to collect antique coins.
  • When pursuing a hobby, enthusiasts often collect specialized tools and equipment.
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