stockpile in a sentence

Meaning: 1) accumulate a large supply of (goods or materials), typically for future use 2) a large accumulated stock of goods or materials, especially one held in reserve for use at a later time 3) gather or accumulate (a large amount or number of something) over a period of time Similar words: accumulate, amass, cache, collect, garner, gather, hoard, reserve, store, pile up,

  • Despite the discounts, I try not to stockpile too many perishable items to avoid waste.
  • The pandemic led to panic-buying, causing people to stockpile essential goods like hand sanitizer and face masks.
  • I've been trying to declutter my house lately, so I'm not tempted to stockpile things I don't really need.
  • With limited storage space, it's challenging to stockpile enough groceries for a large family.
  • Let's organize our stockpile of cleaning products under the sink.
  • Farmers often have to stockpile hay and feed to ensure their animals have enough to eat during the winter months.
  • My grandfather used to tell stories about growing up during the war and how his family had to stockpile food to survive.
  • It's wise to diversify your stockpile of investments for better financial security.
  • International organizations coordinate efforts to monitor and reduce the stockpile of chemical weapons.
  • The hospital had to quickly replenish its stockpile of medical supplies during the flu season.
  • The stockpile of gold bars in the bank's vault was heavily guarded at all times.
  • The stockpile of antique books in the library was a treasure trove for history enthusiasts.
  • As a chef, I always make sure to stockpile high-quality ingredients to create culinary masterpieces on the fly.
  • He's building up his stockpile of comic books for his collection.
  • We need to buy more food to add to our stockpile.
  • Our country has a stockpile of emergency supplies.
  • She decided to stockpile extra medical supplies for her elderly parents.
  • She always maintains a stockpile of extra blankets in the closet.
  • I keep a stockpile of stationery in my desk drawer.
  • They're creating a stockpile of art supplies for the school's art club.
  • As a prepper, I've spent years refining my strategies to effectively stockpile and rotate supplies for any scenario.
  • The strategic stockpile of ammunition was carefully guarded by the military.
  • During times of crisis, it's important to have a stockpile of essential supplies like food and water.
  • Let's stockpile some extra blankets and pillows for the guests staying over.
  • We need to stockpile enough fuel for the generator in case of a power outage.
  • Many countries maintain a stockpile of nuclear weapons as a deterrent.
  • Let's make sure we have a stockpile of batteries for the remote.
  • The factory has a stockpile of raw materials.
  • The company's stockpile of raw materials dwindled as demand for their product increased.
  • The government announced plans to expand the country's strategic oil stockpile.
  • The military commander ordered troops to fortify their positions and increase their stockpile of ammunition.
  • We should check our stockpile of medicine.
  • After the pandemic, many people started to stockpile essential items like toilet paper and canned goods.
  • I have a big stockpile of toys.
  • The grocery store has a stockpile of water bottles on sale.
  • The pharmaceutical company increased its stockpile of vaccines in anticipation of high demand.
  • She felt relieved knowing she had a stockpile of savings to fall back on in case of emergencies.
  • The government decided to build a stockpile of emergency supplies in case of natural disasters.
  • Environmentalists are concerned about the stockpile of electronic waste accumulating globally.
  • Mom always keeps a stockpile of canned food in the pantry.
  • I'm considering investing in a generator to power my home during outages, but I'll need to stockpile fuel for it.
  • They found a hidden stockpile of old coins buried in the backyard.
  • The company decided to stockpile extra inventory to meet the increased demand during the holiday season.
  • I need to build up my stockpile of snacks for movie night.
  • Let's stockpile some firewood for the winter before prices go up.
  • The company strategically manages its stockpile of raw materials to minimize costs.
  • I'm worried we don't have enough stockpile of medicine at home.
  • She's organizing her stockpile of cosmetics in the bathroom.
  • The museum curator carefully cataloged the stockpile of ancient artifacts.
  • We should start a stockpile of firewood before winter comes.
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