hoard in a sentence

Meaning: 1) accumulate and store (a mass or collection of items) for future use or need 2) amass (money or valued objects) and hide or store away 3) a stock or store of money or valued objects, typically one that is secret or carefully guarded 4) a hidden fund or supply stored for future use Similar words: accumulate, amass, cache, collect, gather, preserve, stash, stockpile, store,

  • In the garden, the ants worked together to hoard bits of food for the winter.
  • The government's attempt to hoard essential commodities during times of crisis can lead to accusations of monopolistic practices and price manipulation.
  • They found out about her tendency to hoard clothing after helping her clean out her closet.
  • He tended to hoard old newspapers, convinced they might be valuable one day.
  • Every year, the townsfolk would hoard food for the harvest festival, eager to celebrate.
  • In the digital age, individuals hoard vast amounts of data, often without considering the long-term implications for privacy and security.
  • The hoard of ancient artifacts unearthed by archaeologists offered invaluable insights into the cultural practices of past civilizations.
  • The library had to impose limits on how many books patrons could hoard at once.
  • The dragon's hoard of gold glittered enticingly in the dimly lit cave.
  • Over the years, he had managed to hoard an extensive library of first edition novels.
  • When the circus came to town, children would hoard tickets to see the amazing acts.
  • The hoard of wealth accumulated by the elite few starkly contrasts with the poverty and deprivation experienced by marginalized communities, highlighting systemic inequalities.
  • Can you believe how much stuff people hoard on those TV shows?
  • I have a hoard of coins in my piggy bank.
  • Emily's grandmother would hoard jars of homemade jam in her pantry.
  • Sarah's cat, Whiskers, had a secret hiding spot where he would hoard his favorite toys.
  • During the winter, I like to hoard canned goods in case of a snowstorm.
  • The historian uncovered a hoard of ancient artifacts buried beneath the ruins.
  • Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily who loved to hoard shiny rocks she found by the river.
  • Long ago, a brave knight discovered a dragon's hoard hidden in a cave.
  • The squirrel worked tirelessly to hoard enough nuts to last through the winter.
  • We found a hoard of buried treasure in the backyard.
  • As a collector, Maria would often hoard rare coins and stamps from different countries.
  • Don't hoard all the snacks, share some with your friends.
  • My brother likes to hoard video games in his room.
  • Sarah's tendency to hoard old magazines and newspapers cluttered her apartment.
  • The wealthy businessman was notorious for his tendency to hoard assets, acquiring companies and properties at every opportunity.
  • Don't hoard all the snacks, share with your friends.
  • The dragon's hoard of treasure gleamed in the dim light of its cave.
  • On a rainy day, Timmy decided to hoard all his favorite books and build a fort.
  • I've noticed that my sister tends to hoard snacks in her room, especially chocolate.
  • Whenever there's a sale at the store, my mom tends to hoard clothes and shoes.
  • As the pandemic unfolded, fear and uncertainty drove people to hoard not only physical goods but also information, leading to the spread of misinformation and panic.
  • I hoard memories of our family vacations in photo albums.
  • The kids hoard all the toys in their room.
  • At the library, Jimmy would hoard stacks of books to read over the summer.
  • I know it's not healthy, but sometimes I can't help but hoard junk food in my pantry.
  • The miserly old man was rumored to hoard his wealth in a secret vault beneath his mansion.
  • Why do you hoard so many old magazines?
  • As we strive for minimalism and mindful consumption, it's crucial to confront our tendencies to hoard material possessions and instead cultivate a sense of contentment with less.
  • We need to address the root causes of why people feel the need to hoard possessions, whether it's driven by insecurity or other factors.
  • The dragon's hoard glittered with gold and jewels.
  • They hoard supplies in case of emergencies.
  • I have a hoard of toys in my room.
  • It's not good to hoard too many things, it can get cluttered.
  • The art collector's desire to hoard masterpieces bordered on obsession, driving him to acquire works at any cost.
  • Despite the warnings from health officials, many people still hoard face masks and hand sanitizer during times of crisis.
  • Despite efforts to declutter, she found herself unable to resist the impulse to hoard, grappling with the underlying reasons for her attachment to possessions.
  • I'm going to hoard some vegetables from the garden for cooking later.
  • Despite his minimalist lifestyle, Tom couldn't resist the urge to hoard vintage vinyl records.
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