accumulate in a sentence

Meaning: 1) to gather or collect gradually over time, often in increasing amounts 2) to amass or build up a quantity or mass through a gradual process 3) to pile up or accrue, resulting in a cumulative total 4) to gather or store something, such as knowledge or possessions, gradually over a period 5) to increase in quantity or degree over time, forming a larger whole Similar words: accrue, aggregate, amass, augment, collect, compile, conserve, cumulate, gather, grow, hoard, increase, multiply, stack, stockpile, store, pile up,

  • Despite their efforts, the family continued to accumulate debt over the years.
  • Amidst economic fluctuations, investors strategically accumulate assets to weather financial storms.
  • Successful investors often accumulate a diverse portfolio to minimize risks.
  • They strive to accumulate knowledge through continuous learning.
  • The company aims to accumulate substantial profits by the end of the fiscal year.
  • At the market, fruits and vegetables accumulate in vibrant piles.
  • In their scientific endeavors, they continuously accumulate data to push the boundaries of knowledge.
  • He orchestrates strategic initiatives to accumulate sustainable growth for the company.
  • Scientific studies suggest that stress can accumulate and impact overall well-being.
  • In the realm of technology, companies strive to accumulate intellectual property for a competitive edge.
  • Objects can accumulate in the corner of a room.
  • I tend to accumulate a lot of clothes in my closet.
  • It's easy to accumulate junk in your garage.
  • They accumulate knowledge through education.
  • The team's persistent efforts allowed them to accumulate victories throughout the season.
  • Be careful not to let stress accumulate; take breaks.
  • The seasoned chef knows how to accumulate flavors to create a harmonious and exquisite dish.
  • To enhance your language proficiency, it's crucial to accumulate a wide range of vocabulary.
  • It's crucial for individuals to accumulate a diverse set of skills in today's job market.
  • I think it's wise to accumulate a variety of investments for financial stability.
  • People accumulate knowledge through learning.
  • Water can accumulate in a puddle after rain.
  • I accumulate steps on my fitness tracker each day.
  • As you advance in your career, it becomes increasingly important to accumulate leadership skills.
  • Despite setbacks, the community managed to accumulate resources for a local charity event.
  • I like to accumulate stamps in my collection.
  • To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it's beneficial to accumulate regular exercise and balanced nutrition.
  • As individuals, we accumulate unique perspectives through our life journeys.
  • Savings in a bank account can accumulate interest.
  • The team believes in the power of collaboration to accumulate innovative ideas.
  • My goal is to accumulate enough savings to travel around the world someday.
  • Regular exercise and a healthy diet are essential to accumulate physical fitness.
  • Over time, dust can accumulate on furniture.
  • Let's not let trash accumulate; take it out now.
  • We accumulate experiences as we grow older.
  • The company's decision to expand helped them accumulate a larger customer base.
  • As you cook, spices can accumulate on the counter.
  • We leverage collective expertise to accumulate groundbreaking solutions to complex challenges.
  • The entrepreneur strategically employed tactics to accumulate market share in a competitive industry.
  • Raindrops accumulate on the window during a gentle shower.
  • I like to accumulate recipes for different meals.
  • We accumulate memories during family vacations.
  • I need to clean my kitchen; dishes always accumulate.
  • I accumulate coins in a jar on my dresser.
  • Cultural understanding can accumulate through exposure to various traditions and customs.
  • As a connoisseur of art, she takes pride in her ability to accumulate a discerning art collection.
  • They are determined to accumulate enough evidence to support their hypothesis.
  • My phone's storage tends to accumulate photos quickly.
  • The team's efforts to accumulate points paid off, leading them to victory in the championship.
  • Trash tends to accumulate in crowded areas.
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