gather in a sentence

Meaning: 1) bring together and take in from scattered places or sources, collect together 2) 3) come together; assemble or accumulate 4) 5) infer, deduce, or conclude information from evidence or premises 6) 7) harvest or pick (flowers, fruit, crops, etc.) 8) 9) draw together or toward oneself 10) 11) recover strength, gather oneself or one's thoughts 12) 13) contract or shrink 14) 15) summon or congregate 16) 17) accumulate or amass 18) 19) pull (fabric or a garment) into small folds or puckers Similar words: accumulate, aggregate, amass, assemble, cluster, collect, compile, convene,

  • To start a fire while camping, gather dry twigs and small branches as kindling before adding larger pieces of wood.
  • Public consultations are often held to gather feedback on proposed regulatory changes before they are finalized.
  • The diameter of a telescope's lens affects the amount of light it can gather.
  • We need to gather ingredients for dinner tonight.
  • We gather information from various sources before buying a car.
  • We gather flowers for the vase.
  • We gather our belongings for the trip.
  • The children gather toys to play with.
  • Students gather in the schoolyard during recess.
  • We gather around the bonfire to share stories.
  • Let's gather our friends for a game night.
  • Let's gather our coats before we leave.
  • Family members gather for holiday dinners.
  • Friends gather to watch movies on weekends.
  • Students gather data for their science project.
  • They gather information from reliable sources for their research.
  • We gather stakeholders' input to ensure inclusivity in our decision-making process.
  • They gather at the park for a weekend picnic.
  • I gather my courage to confront my fears.
  • Environmentalists gather to advocate for sustainable practices in urban development.
  • They gather in think tanks to formulate policy recommendations for global challenges.
  • Let's gather our belongings and leave.
  • We gather at international conferences to exchange ideas and foster collaboration.
  • Journalists gather information for their news reports.
  • Environmentalists gather to protest deforestation.
  • Let's gather some information before making a decision.
  • We gather groceries at the store.
  • People gather together for parties.
  • We gather donations to support local charities.
  • People gather at the bus stop in the morning.
  • Let's gather sticks for the campfire.
  • Volunteers gather donations for the food bank.
  • They gather for weekly brainstorming sessions to generate innovative ideas.
  • In diplomatic circles, representatives gather to negotiate international agreements.
  • Historians gather evidence to support their theories.
  • Scientists gather specimens for research purposes.
  • We gather information from books.
  • Let's gather everyone for a group photo.
  • Let's gather our resources to tackle this project.
  • We gather our belongings and head to the airport.
  • As the storm approaches, people gather supplies to prepare.
  • They gather at the café to catch up over coffee.
  • They gather in the park for a picnic.
  • They gather fruit from the trees.
  • They gather in boardrooms to strategize and innovate for corporate growth.
  • Parents gather for monthly meetings to discuss their children's educational progress.
  • Let's gather our courage and face our fears.
  • I'll gather my thoughts before making a decision.
  • We gather around the campfire to tell stories.
  • We gather insights from customer feedback to refine our marketing strategy.
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