pile up in a sentence

Meaning: 1) accumulate or gather in a heap or mass 2) crash or collide violently and forcibly, typically causing damage or injury 3) (of an event or situation) occur in large numbers or amounts over a period of time 4) (of emotions or problems) become overwhelming or uncontrollable Similar words: accrue, accumulate, amass, collect, cumulate, gather, heap,

  • Snow can pile up quickly during a storm.
  • Traffic accidents can pile up quickly on congested highways, causing long delays.
  • Despite their efforts, problems began to pile up in the small town, leading to unrest among the residents.
  • I can't believe how quickly the dishes pile up after just one meal.
  • Emails pile up in my inbox if I don't check them often.
  • They left the leaves to pile up in the yard instead of raking them.
  • The students left their backpacks in a heap, causing them to pile up in the hallway.
  • We need to address the issues before they pile up and become unmanageable.
  • Junk mail tends to pile up if I don't check the mailbox every day.
  • Trash tends to pile up if not taken out regularly.
  • With each rejection letter, his frustration continued to pile up.
  • The bills began to pile up, adding to the stress of an already difficult situation.
  • Once upon a time, there was a student named Alex whose assignments started to pile up as the semester went on.
  • The toys in the kids' room always pile up so quickly.
  • Papers pile up on my desk when I'm busy.
  • She left her laundry to pile up, and now it's overflowing.
  • The tension between them seemed to pile up with each passing argument.
  • At the library, books would pile up on the return desk during busy times.
  • If you don't clean the kitchen, the dishes will pile up.
  • Books pile up on the shelf over time.
  • Please don't let the dirty clothes pile up on the floor.
  • The stress of work and personal issues started to pile up, affecting her health.
  • My overflowing to-do list is a testament to the tasks that continually pile up.
  • Don't let the dishes pile up in the sink.
  • Emily's stress levels soared as the demands of her job began to pile up.
  • If we don't do the laundry soon, the clothes will pile up.
  • He realizes the importance of addressing conflicts before they pile up and escalate.
  • They're well aware of the consequences of allowing tensions to pile up without resolution.
  • I often find myself overwhelmed when tasks start to pile up.
  • On the farm, hay would pile up in the barn during harvest season.
  • The wreckage began to pile up as the storm's fury intensified.
  • As the storm intensified, snow started to pile up on the roads.
  • As the years go by, the weight of unresolved emotions can pile up and become burdensome.
  • In times of crisis, responsibilities can pile up, leaving little room for rest.
  • Emotions can often pile up, leading to a sense of overwhelm if not addressed.
  • The economic crisis caused debts to pile up for many families.
  • Timmy's backpack was so full of papers that they started to pile up on the floor.
  • It's easy for clutter to pile up in a busy household.
  • In the kitchen, dirty dishes would pile up if no one washed them.
  • The evidence against the suspect began to pile up, making his case difficult to defend.
  • Papers from work pile up on my desk if I don't stay organized.
  • I've noticed a tendency for distractions to pile up, hindering my productivity.
  • I feel like I'm drowning in paperwork as it continues to pile up on my desk.
  • John didn't clean his car, and soon, trash began to pile up inside.
  • We should sort through the papers before they pile up too much.
  • Despite my best efforts to stay organized, responsibilities seem to pile up relentlessly.
  • Don't leave your toys to pile up in the living room.
  • Leaves pile up in the yard during fall.
  • As deadlines loomed, the tasks seemed to pile up endlessly.
  • Traffic always seems to pile up during rush hour.
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